China 3S10 TV Service menu
China Flat TV Chassis 3S10 factory mode
This ADJUST MANUAL is only used for 3S10 chasiis, and guides to make adjust equipments. It is only a reference.
2. Instruments For Adjustment
a. TV signal generator
b. 20MHz 2-channel oscilloscope
c. Adjust jigs
d. Sweep Signal Generator(option)
e. Digital voltmeter
f. White balance adjust equipment.
3. How To Enter And Exit Factory Mode
a. Enter factory mode by pressing MENU button, AV button and ANAL button in turn or pressing the SERVICE button(on the right of MENU button,we can add this button for easy to enter service mode in factory).Press OK to enter Service 2.0 and Design mode.
b. Exit factory mode by pressing PP or pressing STANDBY button.
4. Chassis Adjust
China 3S10 VCO Adjust
a. Set TV Signal Generator to output a 38.9MHz, stranger than 80dBuv PAL color bar signal.
b. Signal inputs to TUNER’s IF terminal or pin5 of SAW101 through a 0.01UF/50V capacitor
c. Connect 220V AC (50/60Hz) and Switch on power switch. Enter Service 2.0 menu.
d. Press AV button after picking out VCO Coarse or VCO Fine item by PROG+/- buttons. VCO
is well adjusted automatically if the character OK appears at the bottom of screen. (If OK can not appear automatically,please fine tune LC238 and re-try again)
e. The following adjustment is suitable for TV sets with SECAM L/L’ system.
Set TV signal Generator to output a 34.4MHz Signal ,set TV set to VHF-L band. Press AV button after picking out VCO Coarse L1 or VCO Fine L1 by PROG+/- buttons. The VCO of SECAM L’ system is well adjusted if the character OK appears automatically at the bottom of screen.
Note: After VCO is well adjusted,exit factory mode by pressing PP button at first, switch off power switch, then withdraw IF signal.

China 3S10 TV Service menu
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IF Trap(LC101) Adjust For RF NTSC
a. Receive RF NTSC signal.
b. Adjust LC101 until picture is best.(We also can use a sweep sigmal generator to get best the trap point)
AGC Adjust China 3S10
a. Receive 60dBuV RF signal.
b. Enter Service V2.0 mode and get Tuner AGC PAL item, adjust PAL AGC by VOL+/- buttons until picture’s noise just disappears and no distortion under 100dBuV level.
c. If TV has SECAM LL1 system:enter Service V2.0 mode and get Tuner AGC LL1 item, adjust SECAM LL’ AGC by VOL+/- buttons until picture’s noise just disappears and no distortion under 100dBuV level.
d. If TV has SECAME LL1 fsystem:press OK key to enter design menu,set AGC Gain PAL to 1,set AGC Gain LL1 to 3
Main Power Adjust (B+)
a. Switch on power switch.
b. Measure the voltage with digital voltage meter between two terminals of C615.
c. Adjust VR601 to obtain 110+/-0.5V on the Digital Voltage meter. (The voltage will have a little difference
when use difference type of CRT.ORION A51JSW91X50 CRT is 118V;HITACH CRT is 110V)
5.Complete TV General Adjust
Screen Voltage Adjust(G2).
Set TV set to factory mode without signal input, Then press MUTE button, a horizontal line appears.
a. Adjust the “SCREEN” knob of FBT until a horizontal line is just can be seen.
b. Pressing MUTE button to exit one line mode .
Focus Adjust China 3S10
a. Receive CROSS HATCH PATTERN, set picture to Dynamic statue by pressing PP button.
b. Adjust the “FOCUS” knob of FBT to get a most clear picture.
White Balance Adjust China 3S10 .
Receive black & white pattern (PAL SYSTEM)
a. Set picture to Standard statue, adjust white balance equipment to get 2cd/m2 at low brightness and 100cd/ m2 at high brightness.
b. Enter white balance adjust mode of factory mode. Two probes of white balance equipment close up the low brightness and high brightness area.
c. Adjust Red Gain ,Green Gain ,Blue Gain ;DC Red,DC Green,(DC Blue is better to fixed to 64) using remote handset to meet factory requirement.
Horizontal/Vertical Central Adjust
b. Get H Position item,use VOL+/- buttons to set H center of the picture to meet factory requirement.
c. Vertical central can not be adjusted by IIC bus. But we can use a 1.5K /2W resistor(R312 or R311 ) or omit it to adjust it
SUB-Brightness Adjust China 3S10
a. Receive GREY SCALE/COLOR BAR pattern.
b. Enter Service V2.0 mode.
c. Press PROG +/- buttons to select Bright Max. Set a fixed value by VOL+/- buttons (The value will be
difference when use difference type of CRT.. ORION A51JSW91X50 CRT CRT is 63).
d. Press ANAL button to get Bright Min item and bright, contrast ,color become zero automatically. Press
VOL+/- buttons to make the second darkness bar of GREY SCALE part loom.Press PIC again to exit this
China 3S10 Vertical Amplitude Adjust
a. PAL system: adjust under VAMP 50.
b. NTSC system: adjust under VAMP 60.
Sub-Tint adjust China 3S10
a Receive NTSC RF signal. Set main Tint to center (zero).
c Set TV set in SERVEICE V2.0 mode and get Sub Tint item.
C Adjust SubTint using VOL+/- buttons until tint is best.
Set Picture’s Standard Data China 3S10
1.Adjust brightness/contrast/colour to the best mode you think Standard should be.
2 Enter white balance adjust mode,then press S.MODE key ,MCU will store currunt brightness/contrast/colour data into Standard
Apr Threshold Adjust China 3S10
It is at the item of white balance adjustment menu. Apr means Automatic RGB Peak Regulation.It is used to
increase the contrast of pictures with low contrast and avoid clipping at RGB output for picture with high peak amplitudes. Chang it’s value to get perfect contrast quality of picture.It maybe different when use different CRT.( ORION A51JSW91X50 CRT sets 15)
E-W correction And H-Wide Adjust For Pure Flat CRT
1. Receive cross pattern and set picture in Standard mode use PP key
2. Adjust VR801 to set picture’s wide
3. Adjust VR802 to get a good linear pattern
4. Adjust VR801 to set picture’s wide if it is changed after adjust VR802