Panasonic TH 32LHD7 TV Service menu

These service menu works for







LL10 Chassis model

Panasonic TH 32LHD7 Service mode
CAT (computer Aided Test) mode 
How to access the CAT mode.
Press and the hold the Volume down / - buton on the front panel of the unit and press the status button on the remote control 3 times quickly within 1 second, this will place the unit into the CAT mode.
To exit the CAT mode, access the ID mode and switch off the main power.

Panasonic TH 32LHD7 factory mode

Panasonic TH 32LHD7 TV Service menu

IIC mode
Select the IIC mode by Up/Down button on the remote control at the front page of CAT mode then press the Action button on
the remote control.

How to use the IIC mode
1. Select the alignment Subject by Up/Down buttons on the remote control
2 Select the alignment Item by Left/Right buttons on the remote control
3. Adjust optimum setting by Volume Up/Down buttons on the remote control.
4 The data is memorized when press the R button on the remote control or change the alignment
Subject (or Items).
To exit the IIC mode, press the R button on the remote control.

CD mode
Select the CD mode by Up/Down button on the remote control at the front page of CAT mode then press the Mute button on the
remote control more than 5 sec.

Micom software version (IC9006), this version can be upgrade by
1. replace of new version IC
2. Loading the new version software from loader tool, TZSC07036.
Memory data change
To exit the CD mode, press the R button on the remote control.

SD mode
Select the SD mode by Up/Down button on the remote control at the front page of CAT mode then press the Action button on the
remote control.
To exit the SD mode, press the R button on the remote control.