OEM 32WH37G TV Service menu
OEM 32WH37G Chassis 11AK41
Toshiba Chassis 11AK41
Vestel Chassis 11AK41
All system, geometry and white balance alignments are performed in production service mode.
Before starting the production mode alignments, make sure that all manual alignments are done correctly. To start production mode alignments enter the MAIN MENU and enter the code 1675 by pressing digit keys. Production mode items will appear on the screen. Production mode groups will be displayed with different colours of headlines , so in order to access a production alignment group press the colour key of the related group on the remote control transmitter. After selecting one of the production service mode groups, you can access its items by pressing the cursor-up and / or cursor-down keys. You can change the value of an item by pressing cursor-lefi and / or cursor-right keys on the remote control transmitter.
In order to switch between other group of items press the colour key of this groups headline.
To store the settings press OK key. In order to leave this menu press MENU key.
- Switch the program to crosshatch test pattern.
- Press RED key to access this group of item.
- Select the items by pressing cursor-up and/or cursor-down keys.
- Adjust the item by pressing cursor-left and/or cursor-right after selecting that item.
- Store the settings by pressing OK key.
- Switch to another item group by pressing the colour keys of the related coloured headline of that group.
- Exit production mode by pressing the MENU key on the remote transmitter..
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till the test pattern is vertically centred, i.e. horizontal line at the cetle of the test pattern is in equal distance both to upper and lower side ofthe picture tube. Check and readjust V-SHlF'ltem if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till horizontal black lines on both the upper and lower part of the test pattern become very close to the upper and lower horizontal sides of picture tube and nearly about to disappear. Check and readjust V-SIZE item ifthe adjustment becomes improper afler some other geometric adjustments are done.

OEM 32WH37G TV Service menu
Photo credit : mswinds.com
-Adjust H-SHIFT item by pressing cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till test pattern is horizontally in equal distance both to right and left sides of the picture tube. Check and readjust H-SHIFT item ifthe adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
-Adjust H-WIDTH item by pressing cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till no under-scan condition will happen, i.e. no white bars on the left and right side of the test pattern will be visible nor the picture will be so wide. Check and readjust H WIDTH item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
5) S-COR
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till the size of squares on both the upper and lower part of test pattern become equal to the squares laying on the vertical centre of the test pattern. Check and readjust S-COR item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till all the size of squares of the test pattern become in equal size from the top of the screen to its bottom of the whole screen. Check and readjust LINRT item ifthe adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments (especially after than S-COR adjustment are done.
- Press cursor-lefl and/or cursor-right buttons till the vertical lines of the crosshatch pattern become completely perpendicular to horizontal lines without any angle of vertical deviation. Check and readjust ANGLE item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
8) BOW
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till the vertical lines especially ones close to the left and right sides wibf equal and symmetrical bending, i.e. they together will neither be towards left side nor right side. Check and readjust BOW item ifthe adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till vertical lines, especially lines at the sides of the picture frame became parallel to the both sides of picture tube as close as possible. Check and readjust TRPEZ item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
- Press cursor-lefl and/or cursor-right buttons till vertical lines close to the both sides of the picture frame become paralle to vertical sides of picture tube without any bending to left or to right side of the screen.. Check and readjust PARAB item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
11) U. COR
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till vertical lines at the upper corners of the picture frame become vertical and parallel to vertical corner sides of picture tube. Check and readjust U. COR item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
12) L. COR
- Press cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till vertical lines at the lower corners of the picture frame become vert and parallel to vertical corner sides of picture tube. Check and readjust L. COR item if the adjustment becomes improper after some other geometric adjustments are done.
- Switch the program to crosshatch test pattern for geometric adjustments.
- Switch the program to colour bar test pattern for video adjustments.
- Press GREEN key to access this group of item.
- Select the items by pressing cursor-up and/or cursor-down keys.
- Adjust the item by pressing cursor-left and/or cursor-right after selecting that item.
- Store the settings by pressing OK key.
- Switch to another item group by pressing the colour keys of the related coloured headline of that group.
- Exit production mode by pressing the MENU key on the remote transmitter..
-Apply WHITE test pattern via RF.
Adjust all analogue functions to medium level and set GGn, RGn, BGn at value 80, if needed.
Use Colour analyser and monitorthe colourtemperature (X, Y) on colour analyser.
Select RGn and BGn by cursor-up and/or cursor-down buttons and change the values by cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till the following values are read:X=285:10 Y=293110 on the colour analyser.
2) RRf, GRf, BRf
Set the values of these items as 62 (constant).
3) YDF
Apply COLOUR BAR test pattern. Select YDF item cursor-up and/or cursor-down buttons.
Adjust YDF by pressing cursor-left and/or cursor-right buttons till the colour transients on the colour bar pattern be- comes as sharper and possible as colours between transients do not mix with each other. Check and readjust YDF item if the adjustment becomes improper after YDV adjustment is done.
4) AGC
Apply PAL BG signal, VHF-3 Channel-12 and 6OdBmV RF signal level.
Adjust AGC itemtill voltage at the AGC point (pin1 of the tuner) becomes 3.0 volts.
This item and its settings will be defined later.
6) APS
This value ofthis item toggles between ON and OFF while pressing the cursor-left and cursor-right afterthis item is selected by cursor-up and/or cursor-down buttons.
In orderto activate APS installation procedure whenever TV is turned select ON forthe very first time.
In orderto start TV without APS installation procedure select OFF.
7) T_T
This item is used for the Tuner Selection.
SAM, THO, SIE, ALP, MK2 and MK3 are for Samsung, Thomson, Siemens, Alps and Philips MP2/MP3, respectivel
8) T_P
This item is used for the Tuner Selection.
SAM, THO, TEM, and MK2 are for Samsung, Thomson, Temic, and Philips, respectively.
9) EXT3
This item istoggles between ON and OFF and is used to enable and disable EXT3, respectively.
10) CLT
This item is used to set the Menu colors. 5 choices are possible.