iWave Supersize Universal Remote

iWave Supersize Universal Remote
How to Programming the iWave Remote ?..Manual Programming
Turn on the device that you want to use with the iWave Supersize Universal Remote.
Press and hold the corresponding button on the remote until the led turns on.
Enter the 3 digit code from the list below. Once entered the light will go off.
Test the device.

Automatic Programming iWave Supersize Universal Remote
Turn off the device that you want to use with the remote.
Press and hold the corresponding button on the remote until the light turns on.
Press and release the power button (DO NOT HOLD); the light will flash once and then stay on.
Press channel up or channel down; repeat until the device turns on.
When the device turns on, press Ok to store the code.

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Universal Remote - Service Mode - TV Factory menu codes

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

iWave Supersize Universal Remote (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "iWave Supersize Universal Remote" Turn off the device that you want to use with the remote. Press and hold the corresponding button on the remote until the light turns on... Written on November 17, 2014