RCA G27684 TV Service Menu

RCA G27684 TV Service mode
Turn ON the television, press MENU button and hold it down while presing power button. while hold the MENU button,
release the power button and press the volume up button.
A one line menu will appear on the screen, on the left parameter P00 and on the right value of the parameter V00. Release button, Adjustment are made by selecting the proper parameter and changing the value of the parameter.
To select parameter press channel up or channel down
To Change the value press volume up or volume down button.
Group of parameters
Service adjustment paramete
Chassis alignment parameter
Tuner alignment parameter
To access and change adjustment, the proper parameters pass number and value must be entered.
WARNING : Be carefully when adjusting the horizontal frekwency coz not to exeed the value range, the TV will turn off and required to change the IC U3101.

TV Service Menu RCA G27684
Photo credit : artdata.net

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

RCA G27684 TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "RCA G27684 TV Service Menu" Enter to RCA G27684 TV Service Menu mode Written on March 19, 2015