Fuego 29PF3T TV Service Menu

Fuego TV 29PF3T/29PF4T service mode
Before you entering Fuego factory mode to change any value on the factory service mode, please write down all the original factory settings. tvservicemenu are not responsibility for any damage, data error and unwanted effect after using our service code and information on these page.

Fuego television 29PF3T/29PF4T service mode
Press volume down on TV pannel and volume key on remote control at same time for 3 seconds.
Change or select parametter press program and change value data press volume key on remote control.
Exit from factory mode, press PP key on the remote control.

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Universal Remote - Service Mode - TV Factory menu codes

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Fuego 29PF3T TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Fuego 29PF3T TV Service Menu" Enter factory mode to Fuego TV 29PF3T, Press volume down on TV pannel and volume key on remote control at same time for 3 seconds. Written on July 15, 2010