Panasonic TX-29AK1 TV Service Menu

Service Menu Panasonic TX-29AK1

Increase Bass to maximum. Decrease Treble to minimum. Hold down "index" Press "-" (minus) on the TV panel.
This Procedure works on the PK1 series as well and will work on TX-33AK10 series.

To select the parameter press channel up/down
To change the value data press volume down/up
To save press power button.

Service Menu Panasonic TX-29AK1

Panasonic TX-29AK1 TV Service Menu

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Panasonic TX-29AK1 TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Panasonic TX-29AK1 TV Service Menu" Panasonic TX-29AK1 TV Service Menu MODE, Panasonic TX-29AK1 TV FACTORY MODE Written on May 04, 2009