
The first electronic television successfully demonstrated in San Francisco in 1927 for the first time . The system was designed by Philo Farnsworth Tylor a 21-year-old boy.

Sixteen years before the success experienced by the young man, Boris Rosing in Russia had tried to do an experiment to transmit images. In 1920 a mechanical television system was created by John Logie Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States. They scan images using a rotating perforated disc. John Loge Baird is known as the first person of color could be transmitting.

Television commercial aircraft first made by the company Telefunken (Germany using a CRT or Carthode Ray Tube in 1934. The CRT technology is still used. However, currently has outstanding television sets that are no longer using the CRT, but they use LCR or Liquid Cyrstal display and now television became slim. LCD and LED televisions that use is known as a flat screen television today's modern era.

In 1938 a broadcast company in the United named RCA showing the opening of the New York Worlds' Fai. On that occasion, the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, first appeared on television while giving a speech. RCA who then pay a license to use the patents from Farnsworth. Images are shown when it is not berwaran or still black and white and the system is simple. In fact, the delivery of a baseball game, all activities are monitored only by using a camera.

In 1939 color television began to show in an international radio Berlin exhibition. In 1944 John Logie Baird manages to make the viewer electronic color television. The system uses 600 lines. Keep in mind, the current technology called HDTV or high definition television uses 720 or 1080 lines resulting in a smoother image display.

Today and for the future television continued to show events around the world and continue experiencing technological advances.

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Television (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Television" About Television Written on July 01, 2014