Alarm Vibration Sensitivities Setting Adjustment

How to adjust Motorcycle Alarm Sensitivities Setting ?
Theft Burglar Alarm System Vibration Sensor Setting Adjustment metod
For to maksimum vibration sensitivities press 3 times disarm key => arm key 3 times
Adjust your alarm to maksimum sensitivities for good security.

How to instal the alarm to the motorcycle ?
When used in the motorcycle use the main battery power 12 volt , red cable connect to (+) pin and black cable connect to (-) pin. Blue able connect ot front lock to detect main lock activity. When the lock activated the alarm called activated.

9966 alarm is aseries of motorcycle electric car vibration sensor, the alarm  have to kinds of detection methods to alarm, vibration sensor and front lock detection. Detected in the development when there are any of these two signals in a signal, Vibration detection sensitivity can be adjusted with the remote control.
Front lock detection can be, it can't, do not effect fungtionality. if the vibration sensor is broken, anti theft device is not work and the device fault to protect.

Fungtion and instruction, set security press arming button, 5 second for the first time trigger, horn ring three sound as a warning, triggered again withing 3 seconds, the horn 15 seconds to six consecutive ring tone alarm.
adjust sensitivity Alarm System Vibration Sensor

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Alarm Vibration Sensitivities Setting Adjustment (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Alarm Vibration Sensitivities Setting Adjustment" How to adjust Motorcycle Alarm Sensitivities Setting ? Theft Burglar Alarm System Vibration Sensor Setting Adjustment metod For to maksimum vibration sensitivities press 3 times disarm key => arm key 3 times Adjust your alarm to maksimum sensitivities for good security. Written on June 10, 2014