Samsung HL67A750A1FXZA TV Service Menu

Samsung DLP TV HL67A750A1FXZA Service mode

Safety Precautions Samsung DLP TV HL67A750A1FXZA
Samsung HL61A750A1FXZ TV 

Samsung HL67A750A1FXZA Service manuals 
1. Make sure all protective devices are properly installed including non-metallic handles and compartment covers when installing or re-installing the chassis or chassis assemblies.
2. Make sure that no gaps exist between the cabinets for children to insert their fingers in. To prevent children from being electrocuted Errors may occur when the resistance is below I.OMq or over 5.2Md. In these cases, make sure that the device is repaired before sending it back to the customer.
3. Check for Electricity Leakage
Warning: Do not use an insulated transformer for checking the leakage. Use only those current leakage testers or mirroring systems that comply with ANSIC 101.1 and the Underwriter Laboratory's specifications (UL1410,59.7).

4. A high voltage is maintained within the specified limits using safety parts, calibration and tolerances. When voltage exceeds the specified limits, check each special part.
5. Warning for Engineering Changes:
Never make any changes or additions to the circuit design or the internal part for this product.
Ex: Do not add any audio or video accessory connectors.
This might cause physical damage. Furthermore, any changes or additions to the original design/engineering will invalidate the warranty.
6. Warning - Hot Chassis:
Some TV chassis are directly connected to one end of the AC power cord for electrical reasons.
Without insulated transformers, the product can only be repaired safely when the chassis is connected to the earthed end of the AC power source.
To make sure the AC power cord is properly connected, follow the instructions below. Use the voltmeter to measure the voltage between the chassis and the earthed ground. If the measurement is over 1 .OV, unplug the AC power cord and change the polarity before re-inserting it. Measure the
voltage between the chassis and the ground again.
7. Some TV chassis are shipped with an additional secondary grounding system. The secondary system is adjacent to the AC power line. These two grounding systems are separated in the circuit using an unbreakable/unchangeable insulation material.
8. When any parts, materials or wirings appear overheated or damaged, replace them with new regular ones immediately.
When any damage or overheating is detected, correct this immediately and make a regular check of possible errors.
9. Check for the original shape of the lead, especially that of the antenna wiring, any sharp edges, the AC power and the high voltage power. Carefully check if the wiring is too tight, incorrectly placed or loose. Never change the space between the part and the printed circuit board. Check the AC power cord for possible damages. Keep the part or the lead away from any heat-emitting materials.

Samsung HL67A750A1FXZA TV Service Menu

First Checklist for Troubleshooting Samsung DLP TV HL67A750A1FXZA
# Basics:
• The DDP3021 on the DMD board has a feature to display nlernal (est patterns.
- The BAYHILL* is the output ot the Main. DMD is the final one.
# Diagnosis By Module
1. Access Service Mode Samsung DLP TV HL67A750A1FXZA
(In Standby mode, press MUTE, 1,8,2 and POWER to turn the screen on and enter service mode)
2. Check if there is an error r\ the DMD board DDP3021 - TEST PATTERN
# Press the right arrow key:
Options ot FULL WHITE, BLACK, RED, GREEN and BLUE PATTERN and so on are displayed on the screen. If 'PatTem' does not appear or same symptom is appeared on DDP3021 pattern, this is a DMD board error.
3. Check if there is an error in the man board. Check for a power signal from SMPS to other board see the schematic diagram. (7-3) And check for indicated power signal.

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Samsung HL67A750A1FXZA TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Samsung HL67A750A1FXZA TV Service Menu" Samsung DLP TV HL67A750A1FXZA Service mode, Make sure all protective devices are properly installed including non-metallic handles and compartment covers when installing or re-installing the chassis or chassis assemblies. Service menu mode samsung factory mode Written on March 17, 2020