BUSH 1433 TV Service Menu Code

BUSH 1433 TV Service Menu Code  / CPU & Adjustments
The service menu mode codes can use for Bush 1434, 1435, 1473 T, 1474 T, 1435 GTV
Alba CTV 3409, CTV 3459 Goodmans GTV 3409, GTV 3459
11 AK08 & 11AK20 Chassis

For enter to service mode followed procedure
must be act within four seconds:

1 - Press volume down button on the keyboard;
2 - Press ‘prog’ button on the R/C hand set;
3 - Press ‘- -‘ button on the R/C hand set;
4 - Press “TV” button on the R/C hand set;

Parameters can be sellected by program up and down, parameter adjustments can be done by
volume up and down buttons. Memorizing the adjusted parameters can be done by pressing
red button. For exit from service mode Press “TV “ button.

BUSH 1433 TV Service Menu Code  / CPU & Adjustments
The microcontroller hardware that is member of the ST6 family has a TV receiver control software with menu control. It controls the chassis through IIC bus, PWM outputs and I/O ports. Dominant features of controller are control of optional teletext, outputs for OSD, IR control signal receiving, and internal EEPROM.
The controller has IIC communication port at
#40 , #41 and OSD driver (R,G,B,FBI) at # 22,
#23, # 24, # 25. PWM control outputs are tuning
# 34; vertical linearity adjustment # 1;
# 2. Other control outputs are Muting - video ident # 3; led driver # 4; system switches
# 5, # 6, # 8, # 19, # 20, # 36; tuner switches
# 18, # 19 and inputs are AFC information from IF
#9; keyboard # 10, # 11, # 13, # 14; scart mode ident (4/3-16-9) #38,
#39; horizontal sync # 26;vertical # 27; infrared #35 and reset # 33.
The uC starts system according to option diodes configuration (D501, D503, D505, D506, D508).
The controller has also a software which is able to control some service adjustments: R, G, B gain; R, G cut off; vertical position; vertical linearity; horizontal position; vertical amplitude; AGC; language selection for teletext.

EHT SHOCK HAZARD The EHT must be safely discharged before attemping to disconnect the
EHT lead from the tube anode. Clip one end of a convenient lead, such as a meter lead, to the tube earthing strap on the tube body, fold back the suction cap and discharge the EHT through the lead.Press in one side of the spring clip which protects into the tube cavity to ease removal of the EHT connector.

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

BUSH 1433 TV Service Menu Code (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "BUSH 1433 TV Service Menu Code " Enter to BUSH 1433 TV Service Menu mode Written on October 14, 2014