OEM 17MB15-5 TV Service menu

OEM / Vestel 42" 17MB15-5 TV Service menu

1.1. SOUND 1
a) Menu Subwoofer => If ON, Subwoofer option is available in TV set, and the item is visible in sound menu, else Subwoofer is not available. Default “ON”.
b) Subwoofer Level (dB) => This value is gain value of Subwoofer output in dB. -30...12. Default “0” dB.
c) Subwoofer Corner Freq. (x10Hz) => Last low frequency value that is amplified. 5...40.
Default “22” x 10Hz = 220Hz.
d) Menu Equalizer => If ON, visible in sound menu, else invisible. Default “ON”.
e) Menu Headphone => If ON, visible in sound menu, else invisible. Default “ON”.
f) Menu Effect => If ON, visible in sound menu, else invisible. Default “ON”.
g) Menu Wide Sound => If ON, visible in sound menu, else invisible. Default “OFF”.
h) Menu Dynamic Bass => If ON, visible in sound menu, else invisible. Default “ON”.
i) Menu Virtual Dolby => If ON, visible in sound menu, else invisible. Default “ON”.
j) Carrier Mute => If ON, in the absence of an FM carrier the output is muted, else not. Default “ON”.
k) Virtual Dolby Text => Active if VIRTUAL DOLBY is ON.According to the selection; seen in sound menu as 3DS or VIRTUAL DOLBY. Default “3DS”.
1.2. SOUND 2
a) AVL => AVL is controlled from this menu by service user. ON/OFF. Default “ON”.
b) Menu AVL => If ON, AVL item is visible in sound menu, and AVL can be controlled from sound menu by normal user, else AVL is invisible to normal user. ON/OFF. Default “ON”.
c) FM PRESCALE AVL ON => If AVL ON, set value in this item is used as prescale value for the related standard. 0...127. Default “29”.
d) NICAM PRESCALE AVL ON=> If AVL ON, set value in this item is used as prescale value for the related standard. 0...127. Default “62”.
e) SCART PRESCALE AVL ON => If AVL ON, set value in this item is used as prescale value for scart outputs. 0...127. Default “28”.
f) SCART VOLUME AVL ON => If AVL ON, set value in this item is used as volume value for scart1 and scart2. 0...127. Default “116”.
g) FM PRESCALE AVL OFF => If AVL OFF, set value in this item is used as prescale value for the related standard. 0...127. Default “15”.
h) NICAM PRESCALE AVL OFF => If AVL OFF, set value in this item is used as prescale value for the related standard. 0...127. Default “35”.
i) SCART PRESCALE AVL OFF => If AVL OFF, set value in this item is used as prescale value for scart outputs. 0...127. Default “14”.
j) SCART VOLOUME AVL OFF => If AVL OFF, set value in this item is used as volume value for scart1 and scart2. 0...127. Default “122”.

TV Service menu OEM 17MB15-5

OEM 17MB15-5

1.3. Options
a) Burn-In Mode => If ON, full screen flashes in RED, GREEN, BLUE colors unless “Menu” button on Remote Control or Keypad is pressed. This property is used to protect the TV
set from burning on the assembly lines in factory. This item becomes automatically OFF, when First APS item is ON or Factory Reset is pressed. ON/OFF. Default OFF.
b) First APS => This bit is set “ON” in the factory. When the TV set is opened for the first time it directs the user to make automatic search in both digital and analog modes.
c) APS Volume => After First APS function finishes, the volume of the TV is that value.
Default “10”.
d) AGC(dB) => Tuner AGC value. Default “15”.
e) Power-Up Mode =>Normal, Last State, Stand-by. Default “Last State”
f) PDP Working Hour =>Displays Panel Run time in decimal.
g) Factory Reset => OK to activate. When OK pressed on this item, factory defaults loaded.
h) Enter Flash Mode =>OK to activate. When OK pressed on this item, flash mode is entered, SW starts to wait for uploading the new SW.
1.4. Features
a) Blue Background => If ON, Blue Background is visible in Features Menu else not. Default “ON”.
b) Menu Transparency => If ON, Menu Transparency is visible in Features Menu else not. Default “ON”.
c) Menu Timeout => If ON, Menu Timeout is visible in Features Menu else not. Default “ON”.
d) Backlight => If ON, Backlight is visible in Features Menu else not.Default “OFF”.
e) Single Tuner => If OFF, two tuners are available on the chassis. Fixed “ON”.
f) Dynamic WB => Default
1.5. Teletext
b) Fast TXT => ON/OFF
c) Teletext Language => Teletext Language may be controlled from this menu by service user.
d) Txt Start RF
e) Txt Start Ext
f) Txt Start Mix
g) Menu Teletext Language => If ON, Teletext Language item is visible in Features Menu, and
Teletext Language can be controlled from Features Menu by normal user, else Teletext
Language is invisible to normal user.
1.6. Tuner Options
a) Switch Low Band
b) Switch Mid Band
c) Switch High Band
d) Boundry1 Low Byte
e) Boundry1 High Byte
f) Boundry2 Low Byte
g) Boundry2 High Byte
h) Control Byte
These values need to be filled in the factory acording to the tuner used on the chassis.
i) Store => OK to store; when the values are entered correctly OK needs to be pressed on this item to store the values.

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

OEM 17MB15-5 TV Service menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "OEM 17MB15-5 TV Service menu" OEM 17MB15-5 TV Service menu mode, OEM 17MB15-5 TV factory mode Written on June 30, 2015