Panasonic LCD TV Service Menu

Revealed the BASS fiture to minimum
Increase the TREBLE fiture to maximum , Press and hold on the TV F, -/V & INDEX on your panasonic LCD Remote control.
Factory mode will eppear on the screen and you may change the factory settings default to your personal settings.
To select the parrameter press channel up or channel down and change the value press volume up or volume down.

Save and exit press menu on remote control and shut off the LCD TV.

Warning !!!
To avoid serious damage please do not enter service mode by untrained person. Call Panasonic Cervice Center.

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Universal Remote - Service Mode - TV Factory menu codes

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Panasonic LCD TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Panasonic LCD TV Service Menu" Enter factory mode into Panasonic TV LCD, Increase the TREBLE fiture to maximum , Written on October 16, 2014