Panasonic TC-32LX70 TV Service menu

Panasonic TC-32LX70 LCD TV Service menu mode

Over-Current Protection Circuit 2

Sound_VCC Protection
During normal operation, the 24 volt output of the P board biases the transistor Q7208 into conduction, causing its collector to become low. The low at the collector of Q7208 causes the transistor Q7214 to turn off. When the PANEL_MAIN_ON command (high) is issued Q7212 turns on. Consequently Q7225 turns off, and IC7215 goes into conduction to provide the SOUND_15V output.
When the 24 drops below the reverse breakdown voltage of D7206, Q7208 turns off, Q7214 turns on to ground the PANEL_MAIN_ON voltage. Q7212 turns off and Q7225 turns on. IC7215 ceases to operate and the Sound_VCC is no longer output.
During normal operation, the anode of D7469 receives 5V and the junction of D7469, D7470, R7486,
and R7492 receives 12V. Due to this condition, the transistor Q7210 remains off. If the SOUND_15V line becomes shorted, diode D7469 goes into conduction to turn Q7210 on. Consequently Q7210 outputs a high to shut down the unit.
Panel_VCC Protection During normal operation, the 24 volt output of the P board biases the transistor Q7208 into conduction,
causing its collector to become low. The low at the collector of Q7208 causes the transistor Q7508 to turn off. When
the PANEL_VCC_ON command (high) is issued, Q7702 turns on. Consequently Q7701 turns off, and IC7212 goes into conduction to provide the PANEL_12V output.
When the 24 drops below the reverse breakdown voltage of D7206, Q7208 turns off, Q7508 turns on to ground the PANEL_VCC_ON voltage. Q7702 turns off, and Q7701 turns on. IC7212 ceases to operate and the Panel_VCC is no longer output.
During normal operation, the anode of D7472 receives 5V and the junction of D7472, D7473, R7493,
and R7488 receives 12V. Due to this condition, the transistor Q7210 remains off. If the Panel_12V line becomes shorted, diode D7472 goes into conduction to turn Q7210 on. Consequently Q7210 outputs a high to shut down the unit.
When the unit is turned on, the TV_Main_On command (high) of IC1100 biases the transistor Q7212 into operation, causing its collector to become “low”. The low at the collector of Q7212 causes the transistors Q7225 to turn off. As a result, IC7215 goes into operation to provide the Sound_15V output.

1. Checks the communication IIC bus lines
2. Provides a SOS History
To Access the Self-Check Mode: Turn the TV on and select an active channel. While pressing the “VOLUME ( - )” button on the main unit, press the “OK” button on the remote control for more than 3 seconds.
This procedure is useful to display the unit’s firmware version and check IC data communications.
The Self-Check function clears channel programmed settings, picture settings, channel labels, LOCK mode settings, and password. It restores the unit to factory shipping settings.

 LCD TV Service menu Panasonic TC-32LX70

Panasonic TC-32LX70 LCD TV Service menu

Panasonic TC-32LX70 LCD check point

To enter the factory Mode, turn the TV on and while pressing the 'VOLUME (-)" button on the main unit, press the "RECALL" button of the remote control three times within 3 seconds.
To exit the factory Mode. Press the Power button on the TV or the Remote Control.

Panasonic TC-32LX70 LCD factory mode
Adjustment Data
“1” or “2” button of the remote control to select the main Adj. item
“3” or “4” button of the remote control to select the sub Adj. Item
“Vol. (-)” or” Vol. (+)” to change the data

Note: Record the original data on a sheet of paper prior to making any adjustment.

To access SRV-TOOL:
1. Select “SRV-TOOL” in the factory Mode menu.
2. Press the [OK] button on the remote control.

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Universal Remote - Service Mode - TV Factory menu codes

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

Panasonic TC-32LX70 TV Service menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "Panasonic TC-32LX70 TV Service menu" Panasonic TC-32LX70 LCD TV Service menu mode, TC-32LX70/700 LCD, To enter the factory Mode, turn the TV on and while pressing the 'VOLUME (-)" button on the main unit, press the "RECALL" button of the remote control three times within 3 seconds. To exit the factory Mode. Press the Power button on the TV or the Remote Control. Written on April 13, 2020