SANSUI HD LCD 3200D TV Service menu mode
Operating the receiver outside of its cabinet or with its back removed involves a shock hazard. Work on these models should only be performed by those who are thoroughly familiar with precautions necessary when working on high voltage equipment.
Exercise care when servicing this chassis with power applied. Many B plus and high voltage RF terminals are exposed which, if carelessly contacted, can cause serious shock or result in damage to the chassis.
Maintain interconnecting ground lead connections between chassis, escutcheon, picture tube dag and
tuner cluster when operating the chassis These receivers have a "polarized" AC line cord. The AC
plug is designed to fit into standard AC outlets in one direction only. The wide blade connects to the "ground side" and the narrow blade connects to the "hot side" of the AC line. This assures that the TV receiver is properly grounded to the house wiring. If an extension cord must be used, make sure it is of the "polarized" type.
Since the chassis of this receiver is connected to one side of the AC supply during operation, service should not be attempted by anyone not familiar with the precautions necessary when working on these types of equipment When it is necessary to make measurements or tests with
AC power applied to the receiver chassis, an Isolation Transformer must be used as a safety precaution and to prevent possible damage to transistors. The Isolation Transformer should be connected between the TV line cord plug and the AC power outlet.
When removing springs or spring mounted parts from the tuner, tuner cluster or chassis, shatterproof goggles must be worn. Keep others without shatterproof goggles away.
Before returning the receiver to the user, perform the following safety checks:
1 Inspect all lead dress to make certain that leads are not pinched or thai hardware is not lodged between the chassis and other metal parts in the receiver
2 Replace all protective devices such as nonmeiallic control knobs, Insulating fishpapers. cabinet backs adjustment and compartment covers or shields, isolation resistor-capacitor networks, mechanical Insulators, etc
3 To be sure that no shock hazard exists, a check for the presence of leakage current should be made at each exposed metal part having a return path to the chassis (antenna, cabinet metal, screw heads,
knobs and-'or shafts, escutcheon, etc ) In the following manner Mug the AC line cord directly into a 120V AC receptacle.
(Do not use an Isolation Transformer dunng these checks) All checks must be repeated with the AC line record plug connection reversed, (if necessary, anonpolarized adapter plug must be used only for the purpose of completing these checks.)
If available, measure current using an accurate leakage current (ester Any reading of 0 35mA or more is excessive and indicates a potential shock hazard which must be corrected before returning the receiver to the owner If a reliable leakage current tester is not available, this alternate method of measurement should be used Using two clip leads, connect a 1500 ohm. 10 watt resistor paralleled by a 0.15uF capacitor in series with a known earth ground, such as a water pipe or conduit and the metal part to be checked Use a VTVM or VOM with 1000 ohms pe* volt, or higher, sensitivity to rne.-.F.!.-* 1 hi f- AC vc la^f. d'op .=cross :ie re&is:or Ary readmg of 035 volt RMS or more is excessive and Indicates a potential shock hazard which must be corrected before returning the receiver to the owner

Sansui HDLCD3200D TV Service Menu
Initial total of MEMORY IC. POWER ON total hours and MICON VERSION can be checked on the screen. Total houis are
displayed in 16 system of notation
NOTE: If you set a factory Initialization, the total hours Is reset to "0".
Please refer to 'CONFIRMATION OF INITIAL DATA" when SUM DATA is not corresponding.
1. Turn on the POWER, and set to the TV mode
2 Set the VOLUME to minimum.
3. Press both VOL DOWN button on the set and Channel button (8) on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
4 After the confirmation of each check sum. turn off the power
NOTE The each item value might be different according to each set|
If a service repair is undertaken where it has been required to change the MEMORY IC, the following steps should be
taken to ensure correct data settings while making reference to INITIAL SETTING TABLE (Attached "INITIAL DATA").
1. Turn on the POWER, and set to the TV mode
2. Set the VOLUME to minimum.
3 Press both VOL DOWN button on the set and Channel button (6) on the remote control for more than 2 seconds
4 ADDRESS is now selected and should "blink" Using Ihe UP/DOWN buton on the remote, step through the ADDRESS
until required ADDRESS to be changed is reached.
5 Press LEFT/RIGHT button to select DATA When DATA -s selected. It will "blink".
6. Again, step through the DATA using UP/DOWN button until required DATA value has been selected
7 Pressing LEFT/RIGHT button will take you back to ADDRESS lor further selection if necessary
8 Repeat steps 4 to 6 until all data has been checked
9. When satisfied correct DATA has been entered, turn POWER off (return to STANDBY MODE) to finish DATA input.
After the data input, set to the initializing of shipping.
10 Turn on the POWER, and set to the TV mode.
11 Press both VOL. DOWN button on the set and Channel button (1) on Ihe remote control for more than 2 seconds
12. After the finishing of the initializing of shipping, the unit will turn off automatically
The unit will now have the correct DATA for the new MEMORY IC.
Sansui 3200D TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
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"Sansui 3200D TV Service Menu"
by G777
Sansui HDLCD3200D TV Service Menu
Initial total of MEMORY IC. POWER ON total hours and MICON VERSION can be checked on the screen. Total houis are
displayed in 16 system of notation
NOTE: If you set a factory Initialization, the total hours Is reset to "0". Written on April 19, 2020