LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu

NOTE : Specifications and others are subject to change without notice for improvement.

#1. Application range
This spec sheet is applied LCD TV with 32”, 37”, 42”, 47”, 55”
LA01U chassis.
#2. Requirement for Test
Each part is tested as below without special appointment.
1) Temperature: 25 ºC ± 5 ºC
2) Relative Humidity: 65 ± 10 %
3) Power Voltage : Standard input voltage(100-240V~, 50/60Hz)
* Standard Voltage of each product is marked by models
4) Specification and performance of each parts are followed
each drawing and specification by part number in
accordance with BOM.
5) The receiver must be operated for about 5 minutes prior to
the adjustment.

#3. Test method
1) Performance: LGE TV test method followed
2) Demanded other specification
- Safety : UL, CSA, IEC specification
- EMC: FCC, ICES, IEC specification

LG 42LK450-UB TV factory mode

LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu

LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu
1. Application range LG 42LK450-UB
This spec. sheet applies to LA01U Chassis applied LED LCD
TV all models manufactured in TV factory.

2. Specification
2.1 Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to use an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation transformer will help protect test instrument.
2.2 Adjustment must be done in the correct order.
2.3 The adjustment must be performed in the circumstance of 25±5°C of temperature and 65±10% of relative humidity 2.4 The input voltage of the receiver must keep 100~240V~, 50/60Hz.
2.5 At first Worker must turn on the SET by using Power Only key.
2.5 The receiver must be operated for about 5 minutes prior to the adjustment when module is in the
circumstance of over 15.
In case of keeping module is in the circumstance of 0°C, it should be placed in the circumstance of above 15°C for 2 hours In case of keeping module is in the circumstance of below -20°C, it should be placed in the circumstance of above 15°C for 3 hours.
• Caution
When a still image is displayed for 20 minutes or longer (especially where W/B scale is strong. Digital pattern 13ch and/or Cross hatch pattern 09ch), there can some afterimage in the black level area.

3. Adjustment items LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu
3.1 Board Level Adjustment
(1) Adjust 480i Comp1(ADC)
(2) EDID/DDC download
• Remark
- Above adjustment items can be also performed in Final Assembly if needed. Adjustment items in both PCBA and final assembly stages can be checked by using the INSTART Menu 1.ADJUST CHECK.
3.2 Final Assembly adjustment
(1) White Balance adjustment
(2) RS-232C functionality check
(3) Factory Option setting per destination
(4) Shipment mode setting (IN-STOP)
3.3 Etc
(1) Ship-out mode
(2) Service Option Default
(3) USB Download(S/W Update, Option, Service only)
(4) ISP Download (Optional)

4. Board Level Adjustment LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu
4.1. ADC Adjustment
4.1.1. Overview
• ADC adjustment is needed to find the optimum black level and gain in Analog-to-Digital device and to compensate RGB deviation.
4.1.2. Equipment & Condition
1) Jig (RS-232C protocol)
• Required equipment : Adjustment R/C
*Enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key,
*Enter Internal ADC mode by pushing “G” key at “6. ADC
4.1.3. Adjustment Adjustment method
• Using RS-232, adjust items listed in 3.1 in the other shown in “”
3. Adjustment items
3.1 Board Level Adjustment
(1) Adjust 480i Comp1(ADC)
(2) EDID/DDC download
• Remark
- Above adjustment items can be also performed in Final
Assembly if needed. Adjustment items in both PCBA and
final assembly stages can be checked by using the INSTART Menu 1.ADJUST CHECK.
3.2 Final Assembly adjustment
(1) White Balance adjustment
(2) RS-232C functionality check
(3) Factory Option setting per destination
(4) Shipment mode setting (IN-STOP)
3.3 Etc
(1) Ship-out mode
(2) Service Option Default
(3) USB Download(S/W Update, Option, Service only)
(4) ISP Download (Optional)

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Author : Meilyn, Ricky and Akzai Rajali
Editor : Denny Wowor

LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu (All TV Service Menu Code)
5 stars - "LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu" Adjustment items LG 42LK450-UB TV Service Menu 3.1 Board Level Adjustment (1) Adjust 480i Comp1(ADC) (2) EDID/DDC download, ADC adjustment is needed to find the optimum black level and gain in Analog-to-Digital device and to compensate RGB deviation. Written on April 20, 2020